Wednesday, April 29, 2015

C'est la vie

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Calm down...
Don't get angry...
You can do this...
Everything is not worth it...
You are going back to Penang for good in 2 months time...
And you are free...
You don't have to see these people anymore...
You don't deserve all these things...
They will not affect your life anymore...
So chilllllllllll
2 months will pass very very fast
*i hope so*
No matter how they treat you....
Just calm down...
Take a deep breath...
Breathe in breathe out...
Everything is going to be just fine...
Just one fine day...
I will prove to everyone who treated me like shit that I can be better than you FOREVER!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Think before you speak

This post is for those who like to hurt people's feelings with their words.
Can't you just think twice before you speak?
People might think that you are cute and straightforward if you say that as a child. 
Some people might even find that funny.
But let me remind you that you are no longer a child,
You are an adult!

Can't you just pause before you open your mouth...
And ask yourself...
Is it really necessary to say that out?

P.S.: If you cannot speak good of someone or something, then it is better not to speak. Thank you.